Everyone of you must want to get an ideal weight to make your body looks perfect. Here, I will give you the best tips how to gain weight quickly. I’m sure people nowadays do it with their money. They buy a high-tech tool or medicine in order to increase the weight of their body. Now, I will give you the natural way without having cost your money. Are you curious? Just take a peek at the list below to answer all your questions.
How to Gain Weight Quickly? The Best Method From Me!
- Eat a lot of Food: Of course, it’s not about meat or another junk food. It means a food that contains a lot of protein and carbohydrate. You can try it cheese, peanuts or dried fruit. Of course, you ever know the effect of cheese, right? it can make you fat. That’s why you need to cautious if you really like cheese. For another food that I mention above, you don’t need to worry about that.
- Eat Late Night: According to the researcher, if you eat at late night it can increase your weight quickly. Especially, if you eat junk food, it will increase your body weight drastically. Because “the researcher said that if you eat after 09;00 PM, you can increase your weight“. The reason because your body mass is increasing drastically.
- Weight Training: If you type of person who likes a to do a training. You can do this method instead. It’s much safer and you will get a healthy body. You don’t even need to join a gym to do the training. You can do it with yourself. The training like push-up, crunches and squats. I ever try this method in my home and next three month, I get the ideal weight that I like.
- Train Your Muscle; It’s proven if you want to get your ideal weight, you can do the muscle training. You can do it with a barbell if you don’t have another work. Once again, for people who like sports activity, I really recommend it for you. Not only you get a powerful muscle, but also the increasing of your weight.
- Become a Lazy Person: Yeah, don’t do anything or any hard activity. Just stay immobile without doing anything. This activity can also gain a lot of weight. Yeah, I really recommend this one if you type of lazy person. Just sit down and watch your television all day. If you break that, you won’t gain any weight.
Okay, guys, that’s the tips how to gain weight. The method above is really useful, it can increase your weight. Because it’s based on my opinion and I already applied it in my life. If you have another weight tips, don’t forget to write down the comments below. I’m sure it will help another user. Okay, guys, I think it’s enough for today article. Hopefully, it can help you to gain your ideal weight. See you all again next time and have a nice day guys.
I gain 2Kg in 3 weeks! What a miracle!