Android VS iOS, Which One Do You Think Is Better?

My today topic is about Android VS iOS. In this modern technology all gadget developer race against each other to build an awesome system that makes all users comfortable. Of course, if you heard about iOS an Android you already know about this. This is not a smartphone guys, it’s only an OS (Operating System) that run on your phone. But, some people say “hey you have Android smartphone, even though the brand is Samsung for example. Most people seems mistake about this one, they think Android is the brand of the smartphone.  Now, check out about Android VS iOS comparison below.

Android VS IOS, Which One You Going to Choose?

android vs ios comparison

  • Performance: Most people said iOS has better performance rather than Android. Is it true? Of course, at first, I can’t believe it. So, I tested it, as the result, it’s true guys. Personally, I’m an android user, so I borrow my friend’s smartphone, which is iOS to compare it with my own. The results are quite disappointing. iOS has better performance even though have 3 GB of RAM. My friends only have 2 GB of RAM. Why can it happen? Because on Android you can install any third party programs without and on the iOS you can’t do this. That the reason why Android is slower than iOS.
  • Up-to-Date: Unlike Android who rarely update the system software, iOS almost update if they found a bug in the system. It’s the benefits for the iOS users who Android users can’t have. I think this one can also make the Android slower even though it has more RAM.
  • RAM Power: If you going with RAM power. Android is surpassing its rival, which is iOS. Android is really daring to equip the smartphone with the 4 GB RAM, the latest news that I heard somewhere, there is some Android Smartphone that has 6 GB of RAM. But, iOS still play safe with a minimum of RAM.
  • Camera Quality: Which one do you think is better? Actually, I’m quite a dilemma here.  Actually, it depends on the phone itself. If the publisher installs 16 MP camera on Android and iOS only get 8 MP, of course, you already know the winner right. But, I want to put back my words before. I think if you think like that it’s unlikely to be true. Because I compare the camera quality with my friend’s phone. I’m quite regretting it because the iOS resolution is better in my opinion. My camera is 16 MP and my friend’s camera is 8 MP. If you think logically, my camera power is twice from my friend’s.

Okay guys, I think is enough for today article about Android VS iOS. Now, you know which one is better. But, even though I know the result, I still love my phone. So, choose your own best mobile OS. Leave a comment below regarding this matter, I’m so sorry if I make a Mistake. I only a normal human being. See you again next time and may the god bless you all.

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