Best Awaken Heroes Seven Knights | Choose The Best One Now!

Recently, Seven Knights getting a big update. What is the update about? Yeah, it about best awaken heroes Seven Knights. Some of the Asian players must be waiting for this update to come. Now, before I go to the next section, I will tell you about Seven Knights. I’m sure if you’re mobile game fans you know about it or you play this once before. This turn-based RPG is quite good to play, I’m sure if you ever play this game you now what I mean. What this game quite annoying is the gold and rubies. It’s hard to get, but the roster heroes of this game that makes me play this game. Now, I want to share you the great awaken hero that you must add to your team.

Best Awaken Heroes Seven Knights | Based On My Opinion

awaken klahan

  • Klahan: Yeah, without a doubt this one is needed for your team. The first one because it can evade all attacks that opponent launch for this hero. This one is really the greatest asset for your team. The second reason because of the awakening skill really great. It attacks all your opponent heroes and gives them a high chance of paralyzing effects for the entire team. So, don’t get surprised if your opponent gets paralyze regularly by using this skill.

awaken karin

  • Karin: Who don’t know about this weak hero? Everyone who play this game rarely to use this one because of the weakness of this hero. But, after she awakens, she shows the true potential within herself. What makes her become quite annoying is the awaken skill. Because it can revive all of your fallen heroes and give them an immunity debuff. So, if your opponent has Karin in their possession, be ready for a long time battle.

awaken yuri

  • Yuri: This beast women can also be the strongest asset for your entire team. With her amazing awaken skill, you can destroy everything, not only double the magic damage, the opponent also gets burn effects and an increase of skill cool down. Not only that, Yuri can also revive herself and stand up once again to destroy all the opponents. So, she can use awaken skill two times in a row.

evan awaken hero

  • Evan: The hero of Seven Knights finally show his fang. With the awakening power, his skill becomes the greatest of all. Not only give enemies 200% percents damage, it will also give a 2000 extra damage, for the last part, it will heal entire parties HP. Also, his passive skill is changed, Now he can return the attack damage 50% percents of the damage received.It reminds you with Jave, right?

This is the best awaken heroes Seven Knights in my opinion. If your hero not included I’m so sorry. It’s only based on my opinion. Okay, guys, I think it’s enough for today. I hope, my article about Seven Knights awaken hero is helpful for all of you. Don’t forget to leave a comment below to improve my blog, so I can present a more amazing topic for you. See you again next time and may the god bless you all.

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