The Benefits of Laughter | Do This Tips For Your Health

Hey, guys, I want to ask you something simple. What your reaction after you see something funny? Of course the first reaction you will be laughing at it. That ‘s the benefits of laughter. Any normal person will laugh to the fullest if see something ridiculous or fun. But, there are people who never laugh at all. They only show the bitter smile in their face. For some of you who don’t know, laughing is really important in our life guys. So, what it is? Take a look at the advantages of laughing below.

The Benefits of Laughter | My Tips For All Of You

the advantages of laughing

  • Reduce Your Stress: We know every people have their own problem. But how to fix it? Of course, stay silent or make your face like mafia doesn’t help you at all. If people see you like that, they will leave you all alone. I can guarantee it. So, my tips for you, do anything that can make you laugh. Yup, anything, like a comedy film. Believe it or not, if you always laughing, you will forget your problem and can think calmly to solve your problem.
  • Motivate Others People: Yeah, laugh has this kind of power. I have ever seen someone who greets me with a smile and laugh. I don’t know why, but after seeing it, my spirit to do a work is increase. Yeah, like in a film, a power of laughing can make all people more motivated.
  • Being Positive: laughter can make people think positively. Even though they have a big problem or something seriously, with a laugh they can solve it. Also, usually, people who know the true meaning of laugh they don’t usually feel stress. Because if they feel like that, laughter can solve all the problem.
  • Friends: Yeah, in the middle school, a student who always has a bright side will become the main attention in the class, especially a student who can laugh. Why? Because if another student sees that, they will think you as an easy going person and easy to talk. As the result, you will get many friends.
  • Recover From Your Sickness: Actually, you will not get perfect recovery just from laughing. If so, there are no hospital out there, right? But, it will help you a little bit. Even though the disease is impossible to cure or have a slim chance to recover. By laughing or smiling it will reduce your pain a lot.

As you can see. Laughter has many benefits that you didn’t know. Although is simple, but it has a tremendous power to save a million of people in the world. So, do you think the benefits of laughter help you a little bit? If so I’m really grateful for all of you. Okay guys, I think is enough about today article. Now, you already the importance of laughter. So, apply it in your daily life. Okay guys, don’t forget to leave a comment below to improve my blog. See you again next time and may the god bless you all. Have a nice day and I will see you all next time.


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