Battle For The Galaxy General Information + Guide That You Should | Get the Information Here

Battle For The Galaxy is really an exciting game. It takes place in the future. As you can see all the building section is managed by a drone. Here, my topic is about Battle For The Galaxy General Information. Every basic information that you need is available here. Are you curious about it? Just scroll down your mouse below to find more information about it.

Battle For The Galaxy General Information

In strategy game like this, there must be an unknown term that you didn’t know or recognize. That’s normal guys, that’s why a guide like this appear out of nowhere. That’s enough talking, just see it below.

DPS: Damage Per Second. This term indicates the amount of damage of your unit can deal. The higher the DPS, your attack power will also increase.

HP: Health Point. It indicates the point of damage that your unit can take. The higher the HP your unit can survive more turn.

Shield (Troops): It’s like an invisible mode. So, your unit will be protected by the shield for the set amount of item. I know it’s not really fair, but it’s the concept of the game, so blame the developer who suggests this skill.

Medals: With this stuff, you can see the win or loss rate of your battle. So, if the percentage is higher your chance your winning also increase guys. You can also see your activity in the game. So, it’s like a journal guys.

Crystals: The currency that you can use to upgrade your item or any other important stuff.  You can also buy it with in-app-purchase.

battle for the galaxy gameplay

Battle For The Galaxy Guide You Need to Remember!

  • You need to keep your Drone busy, you can use it such as
  • Don’t waste all your crystals because it’s the precious currency that you should keep all the cost. Use it when you really need it.
  • Don’t waste the shield skill of your troops. When the shield still active, you can take advantages of it to strategize your unit.
  • The patient is the key in a strategy game. Yeah, a game like this takes a long time to complete. Actually, there is no end in a game like this. Take your time to learn and collect all your resources. Don’t rush things up or you will regret it.
  • If you can’t play the game all the time, I suggest you when to leave the game, you order your drone to upgrade something. Because the upgrade and build cost a lot of time, it’s a good idea for you who can’t play the game regularly.

Now, I will give you the secret way how to obtain Battle Of The Galaxy Free Crystals. Of course, all the players who play this game, need this currency at all cost. You don’t need to lie to me, I know the truth. If you really need it, just click the link below.

“Battle Of The Galaxy Hack”

Here, you will obtain unlimited crystals that you can’t get anywhere else. If you wonder where I can get it you can search on Google to find it. Actually, I’m really lucky to find it. I already tested it and I get unlimited crystals. So, I don’t need to worry about the currency again.

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