– Silver needle plant is amongst the finest evergreen ornamental plants having elegant white or creamy green leafy green leaves which have finely matched thin green blades running over them. The silver needle plant blooms during the spring just like all other ornamental plants and is easy to maintain; it does not require regular pruning unlike the other ornamental plants. It is grown as a houseplant, in large planters indoors and is an ideal plant to bring home during spring. This is also called the silver needle tulip or the silver begonias.

This shrub is a member of the mint family, Asteraceae and is found all around the globe in tropical and subtropical areas. In the Eastern United States the shrub is typically planted in sunny, warm areas from early spring to late fall. It can grow up to six feet tall and has pink flowers. The blooms are large and the fragrance is pleasant.
This ornamental shrub is a member of the rosaceae family and is found on the sides of hillsides, near woods and along the edges of roads. It is normally dry-land and grows taller than it. The flowers are large and round with lavender colored blooms and are in season during the fall and winter. The plant blooms at the end of the summer season and remains a dull white until late autumn. In southern United States the shrub can be found growing in every state except Florida. The shrub can grow in full sun but prefers to be planted in shaded areas during the hot part of the year.
These are the best ornamental plants for your landscaping in the fall and winter when the foliage is changing color due to the approaching winter temperatures. They do not like cool temperatures and will usually perish in extremely cold temperatures. Plant these plants in containers on the east and west sides of your home so that they can still enjoy good morning sunlight.
The rockery plant, or rockery shrub, is a member of the nettle family and comes in a variety of forms. You can choose from the deciduous or the annual types. These ornamental plants have colorful flowers ranging from white and cream to red and black. The plants are known to grow up to six feet tall and has spiky leaves. In the spring they drop off and bloom again in the fall.

Another popular ornamental plant is the golden lupine. This plant comes from the habitats of the Rocky Mountains. The golden lupine is a climbing vine that grows in conifers, forests, and rockery. The plant flowers in the spring and has large blooms covered with silvery leaves. The plant grows up to three feet tall and has large white flowers that are perfect for arrangements in a flower garden.
The plant has long and elegant looking stems and has a long skinny trunk. It is known to grow up to five feet tall and is a beautiful plant. The flowers are small and fragrant and the red and yellow colors of the leaves add to the beauty of the plant. The plant blooms in the spring.
In winter the shrub is an ideal landscaping plant. The plant can be grown in both the southern and the northern states. It requires full sunlight to bloom and has good drought tolerance. The shrub can be planted in the landscape around a pool or natural water spring. When grown alone in the wild the shrub is a solitary plant with dark green foliage. You can buy frozen cut flowers from many florists or order them online.