– Why choose a DIY nautical bath and bathroom decorating theme for your next remodeling project? I can think of many reasons, but the most obvious is that it is fun! I enjoy being able to do projects that bring me enjoyment, and the best part about this particular bath design idea is that it’s simple, cost-effective, and lots of fun!
Color Schemes

The first thing you need to decide is what color schemes or theme you want to use for your new DIY nautical-themed bathroom. Once you have a general idea of what you would like to accomplish, you can go ahead and begin looking at different bath accessories to find those items that will complete the look you want to achieve. For instance, do you want curtains with the same colors as the bathtub, or do you want to choose a bath mat in the same bright color as the bathtub? What about a scrubby cushion in the same color as the bathtub, or a washcloth with the same logo on it as the bathtub?
Once you have decided on some ideas for things to include, you need to take a look at how they will be installed. Will you want them to have the look of a sailboat, or more like the look of a ship anchored in the middle of the lake? How about a signboard with the name of the house displayed on it? Maybe, a plywood or aluminum addition to the wall that has the same boat design pattern on it. The possibilities are endless and only limited by your own imagination.
DIY Nautical Themes

There is something about DIY nautical decor that is very appealing to me. I have loved all my relationships, be they romantic or friendships, business or family relationships. All of them have their charm despite their differences. And when I look back over my own life, I can’t help but compare my relationships to those around me, and to what I have gained from each. Nautical themes can be applied to every aspect of my life. I love spending time with my friends and family on my favorite nautical theme-related items.
My favorite is a set of candles on the bathtub with the name of my bathtub on them. I can see this filling up my room! I also like the idea of having my name painted on a wall with my favorite saying. Some people may not think this is such a great idea, but for me, it makes me feel extra special. What a great way to show off my personality!

This was one of my favorite parts of DIY nautical themes. The most important part of this room is the toilet seat. If you look online, you will be able to find a very cute one that will fit into the nautical theme nicely. You can even choose one with an oar in it or one that is very unique looking. If you are going for authenticity, this one is for you!
The second part of this bathroom decor theme is the accessories. For my taste, I love collecting glass bottles filled with seashells. Bottles are just so cute when they are filled with live sea anemones! I have several types of bottle stoppers that I love to add to my display of bathroom decor. I have bottles of seashell shampoo, ocean mint shampoo, lavender soap, shell-shaped soaps, etc.
Last but not least, I love to give other items like towels, face towels, and bathrobes a nautical theme. It’s fun to match different fabrics and colors together to make a cohesive bathroom theme like this. Just like all the best nautical-themed bathrooms, I’m having so much fun decorating my own DIY Nautical Bathroom! I hope you are as excited as I am to be starting this new project!